
The Launceston Art Centre is not just a retail outlet but an inspired experience where people can find so much more than just art supplies.

By engaging with the team at Launceston Art Centre - be it in the physical shop, on our website, or through social channels - you will find support, advice, inspiration, and like-minded people who share your passions.

Our passion for art, combined with our expertise and friendly natures, has resulted in us building a community of engaged and loyal customers – from students, parents and amateur artists and model-makers, to professional artists and teachers. Indeed, many of our customers are now considered friends - all part of an inspired and creative community that revolves around the Launceston Art Centre as a hub.

We love art, and we love our community. Below are just a few upcoming shows you may be interested in.

Featured galleries

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Launceston Art Centre Gallery

Launceston Art Centre Gallery;

A pop up fine art gallery located right next to the LAC hosting local Tasmanian artists.

Our grand opening and debut show "On Common Ground" by Tania Glanville on show and running until February 9th.